Driving Science and Delivering Innovation for Healthy Bees & Bee Businesses.

PAm Does That!

We believe in the power of collaboration and science-driven solutions to make a positive impact on the honey bee industry.  Join us to maximize beekeeper’s ability for success. Leading to more honey production and secure pollination for the supply of healthy foods.

The PAm Difference


The decision-makers at PAm are bee industry experts, connectors, and influencers.

Minding the Gap

It’s PAm’s business to mind (and fill) bee industry gaps without complicating procedures.


We’re the pipeline delivering hopeful tools & resources to North American beekeepers.

PAm funds practical research supporting beekeeper priorities focused on actionable outcomes leading to practical tools and solutions supporting bee health and pollination security.

Over $13 million invested in 176 research studies!

See what projects we’re currently funding, search our comprehensive database of honey bee research, and discover the application process.


PAm translates latest research findings to beekeepers, growers, & industry partners in easily digestible and actionable formats.

Read our blog, visit our video library, download beekeeping BMPs and helpful guides. You’ll find a wide variety of free resources.


PAm brings the "Lab to the Landscape" with initiatives to develop VSH with Hilo Bees, to invest in the future of honey bee research with Scholarships, creative funding solutions with the Bee Health Collective, and to increase density, duration, & diversity of honey bee forage and habitat in California almond orchards with Seeds for Bees.


Take Action!

More than advocacy, PAm lights the fuse of scientific discovery and innovative solutions.

North American Beekeepers face challenges of colony loss, lack of forage, rising gas prices, extreme weather events, and increased demand but low prices for honey and pollination services.

By bringing together individuals with expertise and hands-on experience in the field, PAm aligns efforts with the practical needs of beekeepers and the industry as a whole. The collaborative approach is driving meaningful change and innovation towards a healthier beekeeping industry.

Take action! Sign up to receive our monthly eNews or partner in this work with a financial gift.

  • "Funding from PAm, including the Costco Canada PhD scholarship and our current Costco Canada grant to examine EFB in blueberries, has been fundamental to my continuation in honey bee research."

    -Dr. Sarah Wood, WCVM Research Chair in Pollinator Health | Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathology

  • “My family has been keeping bees on Forest Service lands for generations, and now we're being told that honey bees may be harming other species. Honey bees do important- good- things in ecosystems, including pollinating our food supply. When I offered my apiaries and locations to support a research project to see how honey bees interact with other pollinators, PAm was able to fund that study without delay. PAm funds projects to help bees and beekeepers-

    -Darren Cox, Commercial Beekeeper, Owner of Cox Honey of Utah

  • "I spend tens of thousands of dollars on pollen supplements every year to, theoretically, keep my bees as strong as possible. But, like many beekeepers, I don't always have the data I'd like to choose which brand to use in my region and setting. When I suggested that a scientist study pollen supplement brands & their long term impact on a truckload of my bees, PAm funded that project. PAm was built so that beekeepers don't have to wait for a university or government agency to fund applied work. I believe PAm is a critical part of our industry, especially through funding practical research that impacts our bottom line. With heavy annual losses, understanding the options and having data to make those choices supports the solvency of my business, and one of the most important industries in the world."

    -Blake Shook, Desert Creek Honey

  • Eight years, six awards $178,280. When I think of all I have accomplished with the PAm, funding I have received it's clear that PAm really knows how to make their dollars stretch. PAm's awards are modest compared to federal grant funding, but the impact Pam's funding has had on my career and on the world of honey bees is massive!

    Dr. Kaira Wagoner

It’s All About Impact!

We proud to present our 2022-2023 Annual Report.

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